My Portfolio

Below is a collection of things I've done
that I am proud of. Thanks for checking it out.

Central Java Dengue Cases in Relation to Population and Rainfall

Collected dengue case data from several source and rainfall records from the BMKG website, focusing on areas closest to Central Java's climate stations. The dengue case data was available only from January to October 2022-2023. The data was preprocessed in Excel for easier formatting and then further analyzed in Python. Finally, the results were visualized using Tableau. article | tableau

Tokopedia Simple Sentiment Analysis with SQL

This case study performs sentiment analysis on Tokopedia customer reviews focusing on sql using PostgreSQL. It analyzes review ratings to classify sentiments into positive, negative, and neutral categories. The analysis helps identify trends in customer sentiment, such as average ratings by category or how sales correlate with sentiment. article | github report | pdf report

Performance Analysis of Boom Esport DoTA 2 Carry Player

The entire analysis was conducted using Python. First, data was collected from recent matches using the OpenDota API. This data was then preprocessed to extract key metrics such as GPM (gold per minute), K/D/A (kill/death/assist ratio), and others. The results were compared, followed by the application of a universal efficiency formula. The comparison was then repeated, and the findings were visualized using Radar Chart. article | notebook | pdf report