Doscom Bithday Reminder

personalProject | Sept. 24, 2021, 3:32 p.m.

So, a few weeks ago, I created this telegram bot using python-telegram-bot for my community called DOSCOM(Dinus Open Source Community).

The idea of this bot is to remind every doscom member's birthday since my campus website didn't do that anymore(it used to remind all the students). Every 8 p.m (Asia/Jakarta) If on that day one of doscom members is having a birthday, the bot will remind the group member in Bahasa "Wah... Hari ini ada yang ulang tahun nih Selamat ulang tahun ya PEOPLE'S_NAME" if not, the bot will still remind the group member with "Belum ada yang berulang tahun hari ini". The bot will start on any conversation in telegram, including a personal chat with the bot with the command /start. Since then the bot will send notifications of the doscom member's birthday, except the server having a trouble and stop running, you'll need to use the command /start again. Why? Because I'm using this function from python-telegram-bot called `job.run_daily' which it will keep sending signal every day to the next function (you can read it more on the documentation).

The signal from job.run_daily will send to the function i made called cek_birth

This function will receive the signal, then run by itself every day.

I'll add the rest of the detail here soon...